Wooly Eyewear Co., Ltd. з'яўляецца адным з самых вядомых вытворцаў, пастаўшчыкоў і экспарцёраў Спартыўныя сонцаахоўныя акуляры, з завода ў Taiwan. Маючы шматгадовы вопыт працы ў лінію, мы становімся вядомым за нашы выдатныя паказчыкі ў галіны. Мы стварылі сябе ў якасці аднаго з вядучых брэндаў у Taiwan. Мы пастаянна ўдасканальваем нашы прадукты адпавядаюць міжнародным стандартам. Мы лічым, каманда прафесіяналаў, якая гарантуе своечасовую пастаўку высокі шчырасць quality.Our і цяжкая праца дапамаглі нам адпавядаць нашым з міжнароднымі стандартамі якасці.


Founded in 1991, Wooly was born from the passion of improving outdoor activities enthusiasts’ eyewear experience. We have 30 years of knowledge in sports eyewear manufacturing and offer OEM/ODM business model to customers all over the world. Today, we are not only an enterprise but also a problem solver for you.

We specialize in

• Sports sunglasses (Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Golf, Baseball, Shooting, Water Sports, etc.)
• Ski goggles(OEM Model)

Our Mission

With 30 years OEM/ODM experience, our mission is to realize your idea and provide professional, functional and high-quality eyewear products

Our Objective

We put our expertise and knowledge as the foundation of our customer service. We ensure we fulfill our customers’ needs by providing them with reliable, tailor-made products and quality service. Your need is our main objective.


Teamwork and collaboration enable us to meet daily challenges and achieve our goals. We believe in what we do and the products we create.


We are committed to building relationships founded on trust with our customers, which is the only way to build long-term relationship with. Through listening and understanding, we can provide the best solutions and offer a quality service to our customers.

Customer Satisfaction

To ensure our customers’ satisfaction, we work hard to provide high quality and reliable goods. Our products undergo a series of inspection to ensure their proper functionality and flawless appearance.


We offer tailor-made products to each of our customers. Utilizing our local production lines, we can create customized products that are 100% adapted to our customers’ needs. Our production process allows us to provide a wide range of sunglasses.

Нашы шчырасць і цяжкая праца дапамагаюць нам атрымліваць адпаведнасць якасці нашай

Спартыўныя сонцаахоўныя акуляры

з міжнароднымі стандартамі. У адпаведнасці з рознымі відамі вытворчасці патрабаванні, мы прапануем вам выдатныя паслугі.